
tamoadmin 成语之最 2024-06-28 0
  1. 独一无二的英文翻译是怎么样
  2. 爱情表白英文句子
  3. 新概念英语可用于英文写作的经典句子
  4. 总之,音乐在我心中是无可比拟的,再多的语言也表达不了音乐这个名词用英文怎么
  5. “没有人比得上你”用英文怎么说
  6. 求《大卫科波菲尔》的好句。要英文的。
  7. 卫兰pretty的中英文歌词。

peerless answer 无可匹敌的回答推荐

unprecedented answer 前所未有的回答

uncomparable answer 无法做比较的回答



I tried to fly away 我试图展翅高飞 I tried to find a place 我试图寻找那地方 Followed a shooting star 追随著流星 We fired up the car 我们开动卡车 And tr***elled to afar 旅行到遥远的地方 Everyday 过每一天 We shared a "Siamese dream" 我们分享著摇滚乐 Beside the schoolyard stairs 在校园旁的楼梯 The songs we used to love 我们以爱去感受这歌 No longer good enough 已再好不过 To keep you from burning up 好让你继续燃烧 Please take me back in time with you 请带我回到你的时空 To a time when you were true 到时候你会是实在的 Visit all seven wonders 历遍七大奇观 There won't be another 那里无可比拟 To keep me satisfied 为了使我满足 If I can fall back into you ***如我能坠落到你怀内 There is nothing I can't do 那我有什麼会办不到 If I'm under the weather 如果我感到昏暗 We talk, I feel better 我俩只要谈一谈,我便会充满生气 At least I knew I had 至少我会知道 Someone who cared 有个人在挂念著 Somebody baby 一个亲爱的人 I tried to stay away 我尝试独自远离 I tried to give you space 我尝试给你空间 I couldn't help myself 我不能自救 I only wanted to help 我只想得到帮助 You pushed my arms away 你推开我的怀抱离去 Then one day 然后有一天 You walked another way 你走上另一条路 A place I couldn't stay 这地方我已再不能留 My compass fell apart 我的指南针已瓦解了 I don't know where to start 我实在不知道从何开始 I don't know where to start 为了防止毁掉了一切 To Keep this from tearing up Please take me back in time with you 请带我回到你的时空 To a time when you were true 到时候你会是实在的 Visit all seven wonders 历遍七大奇观 There won't be another 那里无可比拟 To keep me satisfied 为了使我满足 If I can fall back into you ***如我能坠落到你怀内 There is nothing I can't do 那我有什麼会办不到 If I'm under the weather 如果我感到昏暗 We talk, I feel better 我俩只要谈一谈,我便会充满生气 At least I knew I had 至少我会知道 Someone who cared 有个人在挂念著 Somebody baby 一个亲爱的人



 英 [mtls] 美 [mtls]

 1. Banff`s backcountry paths access a wilderness world of silence and matchless beauty—cross country skis and snowshoes provide the means.


 2. From the day of our Founding, we h***e proclaimed that every man and woman on this earth has rights, and dignity, and matchless value, because they bear the image of the Maker of He***en and earth.


 3. My age is very ***all, Zeng had listened to a antiquited myth, be us underfooting the entire earth, all is what bear by very large matchless several cuckolds.


 4. On the proposals of certain ministers at the Committee for Propagation of the Gospel Cromwell, our chief of men, who through a cloud Not of war only, but detractions rude, Guided by faith and matchless fortitude, To peace and truth thy glorious way hast plough'd, And on the neck of crowned Fortune proud Hast rear'd God's trophies, and his work pursu'd, While Darwen stream with blood of Scots imbru'd, And Dunbar field, resounds thy praises loud, And Worcester's laureate wreath; yet much remains To conquer still: peace hath her victories No less renown'd than war.


独一无二的英文翻译:the one and only

 1. That Black-chinned Fruit Dove was one of what is now only a very ***all number of resident/regular birds that I had yet to see in Taiwan, it was a new one for me and I was absolutely delighted at h***ing been able to see it as I had no site for the species (though it did take a seven hour wait!).


 2. I am always amazed when I heard people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, and tha t if only the common peoples of the world could meet one another at football or cricket, they would h***e no inclin ation to meet on the battlefield.


 3. Second, she was bound up and one foot was hung up in the air, only had one foot standing to support her body, third, the master g***e her a very tight ball tie to make her learn the extreme taste of Chinese rope bondage, last, she was tortured by traditional Chinese Tiger`s Bench.


 4. As SOCKS5 is a proxy independent of ***lications, it can only provide coarse-grain control on IP addresses and ports. So fine-grain control is one of the most important parts in this model.


 5. The former researches h***en't distinguished them in the spectral decorrelation step, and they only removed one of the two redundancies.



 1. 第一次和冠毛小海雀(阿拉斯加4种小海雀之一)相遇时,它们这种能够驱退蚊子、虱子等害虫的独一无二的本领就已经明显地展露出来。

 Clues to the crested auklet's unique ability to repel mosquitoes and pests like ticks and lice was ***arent the first time Douglas encountered the creature, one of four auklet species in Alaska.

 2. 它是绝对真理,独一无二的。

 It is the absolute truth.

 3. 它的内容也是独一无二的。

 It is also unique in its contents.

 4. 贝特的书中,通过独一无二的精确的笔触、广泛的历史人物文学知识向读者指出:英国是一条长河,途中诸多细流涓涓流过。

 It is a long story, with many branches, and Mr Bate teases it out with the mixture of precise, wide-ranging historical, biographical and literary scholarship that distinguishes the book as a whole.

 5. 合家欢这里的旋转形扶手电梯在香港是独一无二的!。

 Here of revolve the form arm-rest elevator to is the one and only in Hong Kong!



 Beethoven's symphony is unique in music.


 It's a unique work of art.


 A unique ***roach has been developed by Bolivian computer scientist Ivan Guzman de Rojas.



In my heart, I miss you all the time! Love you!


The furthest distance in life is not between life and death but when I stand in front of you yet you don't know that I love you.


In fact, you h***e been concerned about the people around you, you do not find it?


There are three things in the world that are incomparable: love, diamonds, and you. H***y Valentine's Day!


I feel your sincerity, thank you for your sincerity.


I don't want to wake up when the lamp is on the wall.


Because I know I can't live without you.


If love is a flower, let it be in my heart, in my heart, deep in my heart.


I'm ready to halve my rights. Obligations multiplied.


With you, my life becomes infinitely broad, with you, the world becomes so charming.


Miss you miss you miss you, find a painter painted you, put you in the cup, drink water every day kiss you.


I still love you, but a little less to be together.


I hide you in my heart.


Your words h***e been locked in my memory, the key you keep for me for a lifetime.


Le***e you, I only death!


You'd love to drink the wine, if not more, reluctantly thirst for life.


Do not know if you love is not a reason to be intimate?


It's you that led me out of the loneliness when I was lost in my mind.


Only you know my emotions, and only you can bring me emotions.


You are the one who always supported me when I was in trouble!


For you, I h***e surrendered unconditionally, you sign the love contract.


Loneliness is not innate, but by the moment you fall in love with a person.


I would like to use ten million years to wait for your early spring warm ***ile.


You are the world, the world is you. I would like to use their own heart, good with you, love you.


Since you ***ear, I just know that some people love is so beautiful.


Baby: recently my teeth hurt, because I miss you every night, it feels so sweet, and will decay.


To the world you may be one person, but to one person you maybe the world。


Missing is like a river, flowing to the sea, flowing to my heart.


Love makes people forget time, time also makes people forget love.


Funny? Without you around, so strange, with my whole life?


The earth is still turning, the world is still fickle, and I love you forever.


If Miss is the ***endix can be removed at least, but for me it is the heart!


The reason why I live so far is to meet you at the moment.


You are always the most special and attractive in my heart.


When I decide to spend the rest of my life with you, I hope that the rest of my life.


Time cannot erase my thoughts of you even if Haikudanlan, your shadow forever in my heart!


I miss you not because of my loneliness but I do feel lonely when I miss you.


It's not being in love that makes me h***y, but is being in loving with you.


I regret to know you, you make me feel the pain when you are not with me.


Look into your eyes, I see the sea, the blue sky, but also to see the beautiful future!


In the vast sea of humanity, you know, is a kind of fate, just want to use my sincerity, for your true feelings.


I want to love you very short poems for the sublimation of life essays.


I do not know why, as long as you are in me, my heart is no longer on tenterhooks.


Every day my motivation is to see you and talk to you.


My love for you makes waiting romantic。


You are a little handsome, you are so cute, you are the worst for me, so I can only love you.


Always miss you, although we can not h***e every minute.


I think I h***e a crush on you for a long time.


Let my love, like sunlight, surround you and yet give you the freedom to shine with great splendor.


Do you want the mobile phone, put in your arms, holding in your hands, look in your eyes, in your heart!


There is no such thing as a dress that fits better than your love.


You are the deepest feeling I h***e ever experienced in my life!


If you can use a lifetime for you to stay in my line of sight, I will not retain.


Will your heart with my heart, even if the pain is willing to taste.


Your h***iness I come to the building, your stubborn I come to give up, you confused me to make up for.


Dear I love you like a mouse love rice can not be a day without you.


I am the deep sea, you are the sea from the other side of the rise of the dawn, always light up my life.


When can pull your hand, were watching the sea together?


Others say that our relationship is like fish and water. I want to be your fish in the water!


Love you, hidden in my heart, warm in your heart!


Valentine's day, I want to be a fish, you roast steamed boiled, then lying in your stomach.


I know you like me, so I'm not afraid of anything!


Waiting is not for you to come back but to make excuses for not le***ing.


The earth is still turning, the world is still fickle, and I love you forever!


I can't think of a reason to keep me alive, apart from loving you.


I for you, just an accident; you to me, it is a love.


If you love someone, you h***e to believe in yourself!


Take good care of yourself, I do not want to wait until the next life to love you.


Colorful hyacinth, shaking my first love. Your bright eyes, I ignited the passion of youth.


First of all, I want to thank God that I met you here again.


Rose, chocolate, you; you; your diamond ring, you and me.


I'm a fool, but believe me, I didn't mean it. Can you forgive me? Honey。


H***e you accompany the day, even ordinary also romantic!


Since I love you, I know the sweetness of love.


I just need a place to rest.


I love you, for your h***iness, I am willing to give up everything including you.


This Psent life love you forever!


I think I will love you as I do now after fifty years.


I want to love you very short poems, for the sublimation of life essays.


You know my loneliness is only kept for you, thousands of my sweet songs are only sung for you.


Until today, I can get up the courage to say to you: my life only valentine.


Can't do your sun, let me be your shadow.


I want to grow old with you.


I think you really can not use a word instead of.


I love you, as long as I accompanied!



 1.Whether we find a joke funny or not largely depends on where we h***e been brought up.(三册29课)



 示例:Whether we find a plan feasible or not largely depends on whether it can bring profits.


 2. The quiet life of the country has never ***ealed to me. (三册41课)


 示例:The noisy,busy life of the city has never ***ealed to me.


 3.Although truth and justice may be the most powerful impulses to show moral courage, there are others. Compassion is one of them.. (四册60课)


 示例:Although science and technology may be the most powerful impulses to push forward a country, there are others. The overall quality of its people is one of them.




 1.With the advent of the new phase of technology we call automation, we h***e the promise both of greater leisure and even greater material and intellectual riches. (四册56课)


 示例:With the advent of the 21st century, we h***e the promise of a wider choice of employment and therefore, more opportunities to make a fortune.


 2.Science and technology h***e come to pervade every aspect of our lives, and, as a reault,society

 is changing at a speed which is quite unprecedented. (四册56课)


 示例:Advertising has come to pervade every aspect of our lives, and, as a result, it is playing an increasingly more essential role in our purchases.





 1. The other side of the picture is quite the opposite. (三册12课)


 2. This idyllic pastoral scene is only part of the picture. (三册41课)


 点评:在议论文写作过程中,中国考生一般是将所有观点按序排列,若要转换话题时,多以but, however 等词过渡,略显单薄和单调。而以上两例不仅可以延展文章的长度,也具有视觉缓冲的效果,使阅卷人或读者能继续保持较高的注意力和兴趣度。


 1. The car has a curious ambivalence:it creates and then it destroys mobility. The car tempts people further out and then gives them the ***alling problem of getting back.. It makes them believe they can spend Sunday in Brighton, but makes it impossible for them to return before, say, two in the morning. (四册46课)


 点评:利弊说明是议论文中频繁***用的写作手段,其方式一般分为两种:一种是将优点和缺点分别罗列,构成比较的两大整块,即A, A, A?, B, B, B?型(A为优点,B为缺点,下同);另一种则是将优点、缺点交叉罗列,即上例使用的A,B,A,B?型。相对而言,后者条理更加清晰,读者更易理解。


 1. Two main techniques h***e been used for training elephants, which we may call respectively the tough and the gentle. The former method simply consists of setting an elephant to work and beating him until he does what is expected of him?The gentle method requires more patience in the early stages, but produces a cheerful, good-tempered elephant who will give many years of loyal service. (四册51课)




 1.As is often pointed out, knowledge is a two-edged weapon which can be used equally for good or evil. (四册27课)


 示例:As is often pointed out, income-tax is a two-edged weapon which, on the one hand, narrows the gap between the h***es and the h***e nots, and to some extent dampens the passion of the former on the other.


 2. What characterizes almost all Hollywood pictures is their inner emptiness. (四册12课)


 示例:What characterizes almost all TV programs is their monotony.


 示例:What characterizes almost all newspapers and magazines is the excess of commercials.


 3. Whatever the source of noise, one thing is certain:silence, it seems, has become a golden memory. (三册47课)


 点评:议论文最常见的结尾方式是以so, therefore, thus, hence 等标志词引导。而以上三例则另辟蹊径,表达方式千姿百态,却起到了殊途同归的功效。因此,充足的知识储备才能真正达到?下笔如有神?的境界。


 一. 表不满、批评

 1.be always doing sth, but? 总在做?但是?

 例:Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another, but he has never managed to get enough money to h***e the church clock repaired. (三册2课)


 示例:Almost all people are always talking about pollution, but they seldom do something beneficial on their part.


 2.go to extremes to do something 做?而走入极端。

 示例:Editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes to provide their readers with unimportant facts and statistics. (三册5课)


 示例:Some peaple often go to extremes to criticize the .


 3.become illogical when it comes to something? 涉及到?而变得不合情理。

 例:People become quite illogical when it comes to deciding what can be eaten and what can not be eaten. (三册23课)


 示例:Women become illogical when it comes to choosing the dress they will wear on some occasions.


 二. 表称颂、赞美

 1.never fail to fascinate somebody 总令人着迷。 (三册9课)

 示例:Cats never fail to fascinate human beings.


 示例:The Chinese culture never fails to fascinate westerners.


 2.exert a special fascination on somebody 对?有一种特殊的魅力。 (三册34课)

 示例:Antique shops exert a special fascination on a great many people.


 示例:The Chinese culture exerts a special fascination on westerners.


 3.cannot find words to praise? 无法用言语表扬? (三册49课)

 示例:Aunt Harriet could not find words to praise Bessie?s industriousness and efficiency.


 示例:We cannot find words to praise the beauty of West Lake.


 4. Nothing is compared with .是无可比拟的

 例:Nothing is compared with the first cockcrow, the twittering of birds at dawn, the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures. (三册41课)


 示例:Nothing is compared with the green valleys, the murmuring streams and the sight of the setting sun.


 5. No one can ***oid? 没有人能避免? (三册26课)

 示例:No one can ***oid being influenced by advertisements.


 示例:No one can ***oid being influenced by his family.





1. Babe in the world, there are so many cute things but you overdo them all.

2. If someone would ask me what a beautiful life means, I would lean my head on your shoulder, hold you close to me and answer with a ***ile, “Like this.”

3. I h***e never had anyone love me the way you love me. I h***e never loved anyone the way I love you. Thank you God for showing us the way to each other.

4. I loved you yesterday. I love you still. I always h***e and I always will.

5. You're the thought in my dreams. You're the vision in my eyes. You're the sound in my ears. You're the words in my mouth. You're everything I need. You're everything I want. You're everything that makes me, me.

6. We spend most of our time talking about nothing but I just want to let you know that all these nothings mean so much more to me than so many somethings.

7. Every time you look at the sky just remember that that thats how big my love for you is.

8. Everytime you cry a tear, my heart cries along. But you’ll never know cause I wouldn’t tell. Everytime you’re hurt, I’m hurt too. Cause that’s what love is for and I love you.

9. For love I'd do anything. For YOU I'd do even more.



翻译成英文是:No one is equal to you.


equal 英[?i:kw?l] 美[?ikw?l]

adj. 相等的,平等的; 平稳的; 势均力敌的; 胜任的;

vt. 等于; 比得上; 使相等; 同样看待;

n. 同样的人; 相等的数量; 能与之比拟的东西; (地位、实力等) 相同的人;

[例句]Your?command, your?rule,?and?your?kingdom?are?uncontested?and?no?one?is?equal?to?you in your?godliness,?you?h***e?no?rivals?among your creatures.?


[其他] 第三人称单数:equals?复数:equals?现在分词:equalling过去式:equalled?过去分词:equalled


a fisherman, who had known me when Emily and I were children, and

ever since, whispered my name at the door.

'Sir,' said he, with tears starting to his weather-beaten face,

which, with his trembling lips, was ashy pale, 'will you come over


The old remembrance that had been recalled to me, was in his look.

I asked him, terror-stricken, leaning on the arm he held out to

support me:

'Has a body come ashore?'

He said, 'Yes.'

'Do I know it?' I asked then.

He answered nothing.

But he led me to the shore. And on that part of it where she and

I had looked for shells, two children - on that part of it where

some lighter fragments of the old boat, blown down last night, had

been scattered by the wind - among the ruins of the home he had

wronged - I saw him lying with his head upon his arm, as I had

often seen him lie at school.

'I hope Time,' said I, looking at her, 'will be good to all of us.

Dear Mrs. Steerforth, we must all trust to that, in our he***iest


The earnestness of my manner, and the tears in my eyes, alarmed

her. The whole course of her thoughts ***eared to stop, and


I tried to command my voice in gently saying his name, but it

trembled. She repeated it to herself, two or three times, in a low

tone. Then, addressing me, she said, with enforced calmness:

'My son is ill.'

'Very ill.'

'You h***e seen him?'

'I h***e.'

'Are you reconciled?'

I could not say Yes, I could not say No. She slightly turned her

head towards the spot where Rosa Dartle had been standing at her

elbow, and in that moment I said, by the motion of my lips, to

Rosa, 'Dead!'

That Mrs. Steerforth might not be induced to look behind her, and

read, plainly written, what she was not yet prepared to know, I met

her look quickly; but I had seen Rosa Dartle throw her hands up in

the air with vehemence of despair and horror, and then clasp them

on her face.

The handsome lady - so like, oh so like! - regarded me with a fixed

look, and put her hand to her forehead. I besought her to be calm,

and prepare herself to bear what I had to tell; but I should rather

h***e entreated her to weep, for she sat like a stone figure.

'When I was last here,' I faltered, 'Miss Dartle told me he was

sailing here and there. The night before last was a dreadful one

at sea. If he were at sea that night, and near a dangerous coast,

as it is said he was; and if the vessel that was seen should really

be the ship which -'

'Rosa!' said Mrs. Steerforth, 'come to me!'

She came, but with no sympathy or gentleness. Her eyes gleamed

like fire as she confronted his mother, and broke into a frightful


'Now,' she said, 'is your pride ***eased, you madwoman? Now has he

made atonement to you - with his life! Do you hear? - His life!'

Mrs. Steerforth, fallen back stiffly in her chair, and making no

sound but a moan, cast her eyes upon her with a wide stare.

'Aye!' cried Rosa, ***iting herself passionately on the breast,

'look at me! Moan, and groan, and look at me! Look here!' striking

the scar, 'at your dead child's handiwork!'

The moan the mother uttered, from time to time, went to My heart.

Always the same. Always inarticulate and stifled. Always

accompanied with an incapable motion of the head, but with no

change of face. Always proceeding from a rigid mouth and closed

teeth, as if the jaw were locked and the face frozen up in pain.

'Do you remember when he did this?' she proceeded. 'Do you

remember when, in his inheritance of your nature, and in your

pampering of his pride and passion, he did this, and disfigured me

for life? Look at me, marked until I die with his high

displeasure; and moan and groan for what you made him!'

'Miss Dartle,' I entreated her. 'For He***en's sake -'

'I WILL speak!' she said, turning on me with her lightning eyes.

'Be silent, you! Look at me, I say, proud mother of a proud, false

son! Moan for your nurture of him, moan for your corruption of him,

moan for your loss of him, moan for mine!'

She clenched her hand, and trembled through her spare, worn figure,

as if her passion were killing her by inches.

'You, resent his self-will!' she exclaimed. 'You, injured by his

haughty temper! You, who opposed to both, when your hair was grey,

the qualities which made both when you g***e him birth! YOU, who

from his cradle reared him to be what he was, and stunted what he

should h***e been! Are you rewarded, now, for your years of


'Oh, Miss Dartle, shame! Oh cruel!'

'I tell you,' she returned, 'I WILL speak to her. No power on

earth should stop me, while I was standing here! H***e I been silent

all these years, and shall I not speak now? I loved him better

than you ever loved him!' turning on her fiercely. 'I could h***e

loved him, and asked no return. If I had been his wife, I could

h***e been the sl***e of his caprices for a word of love a year. I

should h***e been. Who knows it better than I? You were exacting,

proud, punctilious, selfish. My love would h***e been devoted -

would h***e trod your paltry whimpering under foot!'

With flashing eyes, she stamped upon the ground as if she actually

did it.

'Look here!' she said, striking the scar again, with a relentless

hand. 'When he grew into the better understanding of what he had

done, he saw it, and repented of it! I could sing to him, and talk

to him, and show the ardour that I felt in all he did, and attain

with labour to such knowledge as most interested him; and I

attracted him. When he was freshest and truest, he loved me. Yes,

he did! Many a time, when you were put off with a slight word, he

has taken Me to his heart!'

She said it with a taunting pride in the midst of her frenzy - for

it was little less - yet with an eager remembrance of it, in which

the ***ouldering embers of a gentler feeling kindled for the moment.

'I descended - as I might h***e known I should, but that he

fascinated me with his boyish courtship - into a doll, a trifle for

the occupation of an idle hour, to be dropped, and taken up, and

trifled with, as the inconstant humour took him. When he grew

weary, I grew weary. As his fancy died out, I would no more h***e

tried to strengthen any power I had, than I would h***e married him

on his being forced to take me for his wife. We fell away from one

another without a word. Perhaps you saw it, and were not sorry.

Since then, I h***e been a mere disfigured piece of furniture

between you both; h***ing no eyes, no ears, no feelings, no

remembrances. Moan? Moan for what you made him; not for your

love. I tell you that the time was, when I loved him better than

you ever did!'

She stood with her bright angry eyes confronting the wide stare,

and the set face; and softened no more, when the moaning was

repeated, than if the face had been a picture.

'Miss Dartle,' said I, 'if you can be so obdurate as not to feel

for this afflicted mother -'

'Who feels for me?' she sharply retorted. 'She has sown this. Let

her moan for the harvest that she reaps today!'

'And if his faults -' I began.

'Faults!' she cried, bursting into passionate tears. 'Who dares

malign him? He had a soul worth millions of the friends to whom he


'No one can h***e loved him better, no one can hold him in dearer

remembrance than I,' I replied. 'I meant to say, if you h***e no

compassion for his mother; or if his faults - you h***e been bitter

on them -'

'It's false,' she cried, tearing her black hair; 'I loved him!'

'- if his faults cannot,' I went on, 'be banished from your

remembrance, in such an hour; look at that figure, even as one you

h***e never seen before, and render it some help!'

Pretty I tried to fly away 我试图展翅高飞 I tried to find a place 我试图寻找那地方 Followed a shooting star 追随著流星 We fired up the car 我们开动卡车 And tr***elled to afar 旅行到遥远的地方 Everyday 过每一天 We shared a "Siamese dream" 我们分享著摇滚乐 Beside the schoolyard stairs 在校园旁的楼梯 The songs we used to love 我们以爱去感受这歌 No longer good enough 已再好不过 To keep you from burning up 好让你继续燃烧 Please take me back in time with you 请带我回到你的时空 To a time when you were true 到时候你会是实在的 Visit all seven wonders 历遍七大奇观 There won't be another 那里无可比拟 To keep me satisfied 为了使我满足 If I can fall back into you ***如我能坠落到你怀内 There is nothing I can't do 那我有什麼会办不到 If I'm under the weather 如果我感到昏暗 We talk, I feel better 我俩只要谈一谈,我便会充满生气 At least I knew I had 至少我会知道 Someone who cared 有个人在挂念著 Somebody baby 一个亲爱的人 I tried to stay away 我尝试独自远离 I tried to give you space 我尝试给你空间 I couldn't help myself 我不能自救 I only wanted to help 我只想得到帮助 You pushed my arms away 你推开我的怀抱离去 Then one day 然后有一天 You walked another way 你走上另一条路 A place I couldn't stay 这地方我已再不能留 My compass fell apart 我的指南针已瓦解了 I don't know where to start 我实在不知道从何开始 I don't know where to start 为了防止毁掉了一切 To Keep this from tearing up Please take me back in time with you 请带我回到你的时空 To a time when you were true 到时候你会是实在的 Visit all seven wonders 历遍七大奇观 There won't be another 那里无可比拟 To keep me satisfied 为了使我满足 If I can fall back into you ***如我能坠落到你怀内 There is nothing I can't do 那我有什麼会办不到 If I'm under the weather 如果我感到昏暗 We talk, I feel better 我俩只要谈一谈,我便会充满生气 At least I knew I had 至少我会知道 Someone who cared 有个人在挂念著 Somebody baby 一个亲爱的人 當中避免不了有差錯...請原諒... 永愛衛蘭!!~